Holy Spirit Convent, Jharsuguda
Orissa was a region until 1995, and it was raised to the status of Province in 1995. Jharsuguda , which is part of Western Orissa has the Rail connection of all major cities in India.
Holy Spirit Convent, JSg is the Provincial House of Divine Word province, India East. Being the Mother House of the Province, it is also a Power house to all the members, who frequently gather for various meetings and seminars.
St. Arnold’s Convent School is the later venture of the Provincial House. St. Arnold’s school follows CBSE pattern of Syllabus .
Besides province Administration, Education, Pastoral Ministry, Social Service and Formation, Communication are also part of the mission of the Provincial House.
MISSION FOCUS– Province Administration , Social Service, Hostel Ministry, Pastoral Apostolate, Communication and Education
Holy Spirit Convent
Cox Colony, Post Box No. 31
Jharsuguda – Dist./P.O
Odisha – 768 201, India
Pavitra Atma Convent, Bondamunda
As part of extending SSpS presence in the Eastern Part of India, Pabitra Atma Convent Bondamunda was opened. Situated at the periphery of Iron city Rourkela, Bondamunda has a vast population of Catholics from different social back grounds. Pabitra Atama convent, comes under the Diocese of Rourkela.
Social pastoral Apostolate was the main focus of the mission here. Later on realizing the needs of the place Vocational training centre was opened for young girls to train them in skills. A health care dispensary was also opened, since medical facilities were not easily available at the at time. There is Odiya medium school, which is managed by the Parish and aided by the government. Sisters were rendering their service in this school too.
Over the time ministries have changed. Sisters are engaged in Pastoral care besides education Ministry and Formation of Candidates.
Year of Establishment: 1973
Diocese: Rourkela
MISSION FOCUS–Education, Pastoral and Formation.
Pavitra Atma Convent
Bondamunda P.O.
Sundargarh Dist.
Odisha- 770 032
Holy Spirit Convent, Jharsuguda
Orissa was a region until 1995, and it was raised to the status of Province in 1995. Jharsuguda , which is part of Western Orissa has the Rail connection of all major cities in India.
Socio – Pastoral Ministry had always been the heart of this mission. It caters to the residential education of hundreds of tribal girl children. There is a hostel for Girls – both school going and for college students. Primary Health care is the felt need of the locality as government medical facilities are beyond the reach of village folks.
Sisters are engage with Scio- health care programs in the villages. They also support people to grow in their catholic faith and Spirituality.
Year of Establishment: 1977
Diocese: Rourkela
Social Service, Hostel Ministry, Vocational Training, Pastoral Apostolate, Health Care
Arnoldus Convent
Gomardih, Tunmura P.O.
Sundargarh Dist.
Odisha- 770 070

Ishvani Nivas, Kahupani
Over the years SSpS presence started to branch out to different parts of Orissa. Kahupani is an interior village about 20kms away from Bhubaneshwar Rourkela High way. A good portion of Kahupani is adjutant to forest, and villages are far. Education of Children, especially girls was a challenge in those days due to security reason.
There is an Oriya Medium School and a Girls Hostel, which was run by the Catholic Diocese of Rourkela and managed by Holy Spirit Sisters.
Education, Health care, Vocational Training Centre for young women, Pastoral Apostolate and Social Service are the Mission in which the sisters are engaged.
Year of Establishment: 1981
Diocese: Rourkela
Social Service, Hostel Ministry, Education, Vocational Training, Pastoral Apostolate, Health Care
Ishvani Nivas
Kahupani P.O., Via Kutra
Sundargarh Dist.
Odisha- 700 018
Divya Jyoti Convent, Amlikhaman
Divya Jyoti Convent, Amlikhaman comes under the District and Diocese of Sambalpur. This is yet another interior mission of INE Province. Amlikhaman is admirable for its Natural Beauty. Surrounded by thick forest, the life here is pollution and noise free. Villages are far off in the forest. Hence, visit on socio – pastoral care is a real challenge.
Health care, Education, Socio- Pastoral Apostolate are the major focus of mission. Sisters’ mange the Girls Hostel which is run by the Diocese. This is a major blessing for the children in and around Amlikhaman region.
Year of Establishment: 1984
Diocese: Sambalpur
MISSION FOCUS– Social Service, Hostel Ministry, Education, Pastoral Apostolate, Health Care
DivyaJyoti Convent
Amlikhaman, Joraboga P.O.
Sambalpur Dist.
Odisha – 768 222a
Amarvani Convent, Angul
Focusing on quality education, Amarvani Convent School was started at Turang, Angul. The school follows ICSE pattern of Syllabus. Imparting education with the values of Christ is the mission involved here. Over the years the school has made very good progress, to impart to its pupil an integral formation of being human. Earlier the School was in a building owned by the diocese of Sambalpur. In the year 1997, convent was built in Turang and gradually we moved out to new land.

Maria Bhavan, Duburi
Dubri is situated in the Eastern District of Orissa, Jajpur. It is the second community in Ho region. Health Care and Education were the main focus of mission in this region. The Ho tribes do not avail public welfare schemes due to their ignorance.
Due to alcoholism women and children suffer most among this tribe. Sisters have made significant contribution to increase their standard of living and better health and sanitation facilities among them. We have opened a Hostel for the Ho girl children, so that they can be better monitored in their education. In a region where superstitious beliefs are in its peak, the Pastoral care approach of Sisters is very much appreciated.
MISSION FOCUS–Education, Pastoral and Social Work
Maria Bhavan
Dubri, P O Narianbonga
Via Danagadi, Dt. Jajpur
Odisha- 755026
Ph: 06726-245778
Vidya Dham, Rourkela
Vidhya Dham community in Rourkela was part of Bondamunda community. Fr. John Alappat SVD was pioneer in slum development Mission of Rourkela. He requested the collaboration of SSpS, and hence foreseeing the Social Service activities in the slums of Rourkela, a community was opened.
Sisters are actively engaged in the Social empowerment activities Such as Self Help Groups for Women, Domestic Workers Union, Migrant Desk and Tuition for drop out and poor students.
Year of Establishment: 1996
Diocese: Rourkela
MISSION FOCUS–Social Work, Migrant Ministry
Vidya Dham
Building No. AM/58
Basanti Colony Rourkela,
Odisha – 769 012
Ph: 0661-2420967
Holy Spirit Convent, Chanpattia, Bettiah
Widening our horizon of Mission, we opened our first house in Bihar, at Chanpatia,. We were called to manage the Diocesan School, St. John’s Academy, which was already begun. The Sisters took up gladly the invitation. Besides teaching, sisters also engage in the Pastoral Apostolate and family visits.

Holy Spirit Sisters, Kolkata
SSpS Sisters made their presence in West Bengal in the year 1997. This was the transit house to India North East Region, which was earlier the part of INE province. Our community is in an apartment at Dr. Suresh Sarkar Road, Kolkata
This is currently a Study House for the Sisters in INE province as there are many highly reputed Colleges at our near vicinity. We also render Teaching service at St. Mary’s School, which is run by the diocese.
Year of Establishment: 1997
Diocese: Arch diocese of Kolkata
Ministries: Education, Study House, and Transit House
MISSION FOCUS–Education, Pastoral and Formation.
Holy Spirit Convent, Bhubaneswar
At the request of Taking over the Loyala Hospital which was established by Jesuits of Jamshedpur Province, we made our entry in Capital city. Health care and Social apostolate were the main focus, as we could find possibilities to reach out.
In these Mission we are making significant progress. It is also an area where family Apostolate is very much relevant. Hence sisters visit the sick and the elderly in their houses and spend time with them in consolation. A palliative care unity in the Hospital is a new venture.
Year of Establishment: 2001
Diocese: Arch diocese of Cuttack Bhubaneshwar
Ministries: Health Care, Pastoral and Social Work
MISSION FOCUS: Health Care, Social work, Pastoral
Holy Spirit Convent
Kalinga Vihar P.O.
HIG 361, Patrapara
Odisha – 751 019
Odisha – 759 119

Holy Spirit Convent, Patna
MISSION FOCUS–Education, Pastoral and Formation.
Holy Spirit Convent Palbari
On the feast day of St. Anthony of Paduva, 13 June 2022, a new community in Palbari, in the District of Medinapore, West Bengal was opened. This is the 15th convent of INE Province of Missionary Sisters Servants of the Holy Spirit. The sisters are engaged in the Education, Health and Social Work Ministries.
Year of Establishment: 2022
Diocese: Arch diocese of Kolkata
Ministries Education, Health Care, Socio Pastoral