On the basis of the 14th General Chapter Directives of our congregation,an attempt is made to incorporate all
the JPIC related programs and activities within the frame work of
Congregation and Province Priorities
1. Quality Education through 5 schools owned by the Province
2. Collaboration and service in 8 schools run by other Congregations & Dioceses
3. Developing and enhancing leaders / responsible citizens among the children of the indigenous groups through School of Excellence
4. Six Boarding Schools/ Hostel Ministry for girls from rural areas for the underprivileged groups (SC, ST children)
5. Providing educational opportunity to the child laborers, getting the drop out back to schools and mainstreaming them through the Open Schools, tuition centers – in rural and urban areas
6. Sustaining the faith life of the community
7. Promoting holistic health care
1. Continued special treatment and rehabilitation of people affected with leprosy
2. Two Home based care centers for supporting and empowering the PLHA (People Living with HIV & AIDS)
3. Coordination of 6 Community Developmental units and Right Based works through Uday Social Development Society reaching out in an organized way to the most deprived – the Urban and Rural Poor.
4. Right Based Approach for the development of the Slum dwellers using Public Hearing in the District Collectorate and Municipalities.
5. Availing old age pension, widow pension, pension for the differently abled, PDS (Public Distribution System ), housing facilities, employment opportunity, MNREGA, (Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Act), RTE, RTI, Prevention of Domestic Violence Act.
Create awareness about constitutional rights and duties among sisters and in our mission
1. Make JPIC – a way of life for all members of the province
2. Network with SVDs, other religious Congregations, Dioceses, NGOs, and GOs.
3. protest for the rights of Dalit Christians at Delhi through VIVAT INDIA and other Christian denominations
4. VIVAT National Consultation on Migration in Bangalore
5. VIVAT workshop on migration in Indore for INC members of SSpS & SVD
6. VIVAT International workshop on mining, Advocacy & Lobbying in Jharsuguda.